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- Global E-SoftSys Pvt. Ltd Recruitment 2011| Job Op...
- Hiss Review – Mallika Hiss Movie Review 2011
- Calicut University 2011 | Calicut University Exam ...
- Mahatma Gandhi University Results 2011 : MGU MA Ma...
- Calicut University Exam Time Table 2011 for LLB Re...
- GATE 2011 AR/BT Syllabus | GATE 2011 Architecture ...
- Calicut University Exam Time Table 2011,Calicut Un...
- Gujarat University Results 2011,Gujarat University...
- Calicut University Results 2011,Calicut University...
- KUK resulst 2011,Kurukshetra University B.Ed Resul...
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- RTU B.Tech Results 2011,RTU B.Tech 3rd Semester Ex...
- DHSE I Year HSE Revaluation Result 2011,Kerala HSE...
- RRB Banglore Writtern test results 2011,RRB Bangal...
- JKBOSE ETT Results 2011,JKBOSE ETT 1st year result...
- KU B.Tech Results 2011,KU B.Tech 8th Semester Resu...
- KUK B.Ed Results 2011,Kurukshetra University B.Ed ...
- MBBS Results 2011,DGHS MBBS Entrance Exam Results ...
- WBSEDCL Recruitement 2011,WBSEDCL Vacancies 2011,W...
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- BIEK HSC results 2011,BIEK HSC Part 2 art results ...
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Dec 03
- Global E-SoftSys Pvt. Ltd Recruitment 2011| Job Op...
- Hiss Review – Mallika Hiss Movie Review 2011
- Calicut University 2011 | Calicut University Exam ...
- Mahatma Gandhi University Results 2011 : MGU MA Ma...
- Calicut University Exam Time Table 2011 for LLB Re...
- GATE 2011 AR/BT Syllabus | GATE 2011 Architecture ...
- Calicut University Exam Time Table 2011,Calicut Un...
- Gujarat University Results 2011,Gujarat University...
- Calicut University Results 2011,Calicut University...
- KUK resulst 2011,Kurukshetra University B.Ed Resul...
- MG University results 2011,Mahatma Gandhi Universi...
- RTU B.Tech Results 2011,RTU B.Tech 3rd Semester Ex...
- DHSE I Year HSE Revaluation Result 2011,Kerala HSE...
- RRB Banglore Writtern test results 2011,RRB Bangal...
- JKBOSE ETT Results 2011,JKBOSE ETT 1st year result...
- KU B.Tech Results 2011,KU B.Tech 8th Semester Resu...
- KUK B.Ed Results 2011,Kurukshetra University B.Ed ...
- MBBS Results 2011,DGHS MBBS Entrance Exam Results ...
- WBSEDCL Recruitement 2011,WBSEDCL Vacancies 2011,W...
- BIEK HSC Results 2011,BIEK HSC 2nd year results | ...
- Kerala election results 2011,Kerala election 2011,...
- CCS University results 2011,CCS university meerut ...
- BIEK HSC results 2011,BIEK HSC Part 2 art results ...
- CCS University results 2011,Ch Charan Singh Univer...
- WBSEDCL Junior Engineer Results 2011,WBSEDCL Junio...
- election results 2011 kerala,Kerala Election Resul...
- Omax Auto Ltd. Recruitment 2011,Job Openings for O...
- Kerala Elections Results 2011,LDF suffers loss
- TCS Oct 2011 Placement Paper | TCS Test Paper | La...
- SBI Clerk Exam Numerical Ability Test Paper2011
- WBSEDCL Various Vacancies | WBSEDCL Various Posts ...
- Gujarat Elections live 2011,Watch Gujarat Panchaya...
- Kerala Panchayat Election 2011,kerala panchayat el...
- CPF Exam 2011 Answer Key and Solution
- Karnataka ITI Results 2011,ITI results 2011 karnat...
- MPPSC | MPPSC Results 2011,MPPSC results online 20...
- MPPSC final results 2011,MPPSC State Service exam ...
- Agra Results 2011,Agra University Results 2011,Dr ...
- Karnataka ITI Result 2011 Declared | ITI/CTS 2011
- Kingfisher calendar 2011 Girls Hunt by Deepika Pad...
- Singapore Gary Ng scandal videos 2011,Gary Ng scan...
- SBI SME Recruitment Exam Call Letter,SBI STE Writt...
- RGTU BE Results 2011,RGTU BE 2nd semester Results ...
- PESB Recruitment 2011,PESB NMDC Latest Jobs | Publ...
- MPPSC result 2011,MPPSC declare the STATE SERVICE ...
Dec 03
GATE 2011 AR/BT Syllabus | GATE 2011 Architecture and Planning Syllabus | GATE 2011 Biotechnology (BT) |
City planning:
Evolution of cities; principles of city planning; types of cities & new towns; planning regulations and building byelaws; eco-city concept; sustainable development.
Concept of housing; neighbourhood concept; site planning principles; housing typology; housing standards; housing infrastructure; housing policies, finance and management; housing programs in India; self help housing.
Landscape Design:
Principles of landscape design and site planning; history of landscape styles; landscape elements and materials; plant characteristics & planting design; environmental considerations in landscape planning.
Computer Aided Design:
Application of computers in architecture and planning; understanding elements of hardware and software; computer graphics; programming languages C and Visual Basic and usage of packages such as AutoCAD, 3D-Studio, 3D Max.
Environmental Studies in Building Science:
Components of Ecosystem; ecological principles concerning environment; climate responsive design; energy efficient building design; thermal comfort; solar architecture; principles of lighting and styles for illumination; basic principles of architectural acoustics; environment pollution, their control & abatement.
Visual and Urban Design:
Principles of visual composition; proportion, scale, rhythm, symmetry, harmony, datum, balance, form, colour, texture; sense of place and space, division of space; barrier free design; focal point, vista, image ability, visual survey, figure-background relationship.
History of Architecture:
Indian Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Mughal periods; European Egyptian, Greek, Roman, medieval and renaissance periods- construction and architectural styles; vernacular and traditional architecture.
Development of Contemporary Architecture:
Architectural developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution; influence of modern art on architecture; works of national and international architects; art novuea, eclecticism, international styles, post modernism, deconstruction in architecture.
Building Services:
Water supply, sewerage and drainage systems; sanitary fittings and fixtures; plumbing systems, principles of internal & external drainage systems, principles of electrification of buildings, intelligent buildings; elevators & escalators, their standards and uses; air-conditioning systems; fire fighting systems, building safety and security systems.
Building Construction and Management:
Building construction techniques, methods and details; building systems and prefabrication of building elements; principles of modular coordination; estimation, specification, valuation, professional practice; project management techniques e.g., PERT, CPM etc;
Materials and Structural Systems:
Behavioural characteristics of all types of building materials e.g. mud, timber, bamboo, brick, concrete, steel, glass, FRP, different polymers, composites; principles of strength of materials; design of structural elements in wood, steel and RCC; elastic and limit state design; complex structural systems; principles of pre-stressing; tall buildings; principles of disaster resistant structures.
Planning Theory:
Regional planning; settlement system planning; history of human settlements; growth of cities & metropolises; principles of Ekistics; rural-urban migration; urban conservation; urban renewal; Five-year plan; structural and sectoral plan.
Techniques of Planning:
Planning survey techniques; preparation of urban and regional structure plans, development plans, action plans; site planning principles and design; statistical methods of data analysis; application of G.I.S and remote sensing techniques in urban and regional planning; decision making models.
Traffic and Transportation Planning:
Principles of traffic engineering and transportation planning; traffic survey methods; design of roads, intersections, grade separators and parking areas; hierarchy of roads and levels of services; traffic and transport management in urban areas, intelligent transportation system; mass transportation planning; para-transits and other modes of transportation, pedestrian & slow moving traffic planning.
Infrastructure, Services and Amenities:
Principles of water supply and sanitation systems; water treatment; solid waste disposal systems; waste treatment, recycle & reuse; urban rainwater harvesting; power supply and communication systems — network, design & guidelines; demography related standards at various levels of the settlements for health, education, recreation, religious & public-semi public facilities.
Development Administration and Management:
Planning laws; development control and zoning regulations; laws relating to land acquisition; development enforcements, urban land ceiling; land management techniques; planning and municipal administration; disaster mitigation management; 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments; valuation & taxation; revenue resources and fiscal management; public participation and role of NGO & CBO; Institutional networking & capacity building.
Syllabus for Biotechnology (BT)
Linear Algebra:
Matrices and determinants, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Limit, continuity and differentiability, Partial derivatives, Maxima and minima, Sequences and series, Test for convergence, Fourier Series.
Differential Equations:
Linear and nonlinear first order ODEs, higher order ODEs with constant coefficients, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Laplace transforms, PDE- Laplace, heat and wave equations.
Probability and Statistics:
Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, normal and binomial distributions, Correlation and regression analysis.
Numerical Methods:
Solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, Integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, Single and multistep methods for differential equations.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure; Microbial nutrition, growth and control; Microbial metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis); Nitrogen fixation; Chemical basis of mutations and mutagens; Microbial genetics (plasmids, transformation, transduction, conjugation); Microbial diversity and characteristic features; Viruses.
Biomolecules and their conformation; Ramachandran map; Weak inter-molecular interactions in biomacromolecules; Chemical and functional nature of enzymes; Kinetics of single substrate and bi-substrate enzyme catalyzed reactions; Bioenergetics; Metabolism (Glycolysis, TCA and Oxidative phosphorylation); Membrane transport and pumps; Cell cycle and cell growth control; Cell signaling and signal transduction; Biochemical and biophysical techniques for macromolecular analysis.
Molecular Biology and Genetics:
Molecular structure of genes and chromosomes; DNA replication and control; Transcription and its control; Translational processes; Regulatory controls in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Mendelian inheritance; Gene interaction; Complementation; Linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping; Extrachromosomal inheritance; Chromosomal variation; Population genetics; Transposable elements, Molecular basis of genetic diseases and applications.
Process Biotechnology:
Bioprocess technology for the production of cell biomass and primary/secondary metabolites, such as baker’s yeast, ethanol, citric acid, amino acids, exo-polysacharides, antibiotics and pigments etc.; Microbial production, purification and bioprocess application(s) of industrial enzymes; Production and purification of recombinant proteins on a large scale; Chromatographic and membrane based bioseparation methods; Immobilization of enzymes and cells and their application for bioconversion processes. Aerobic and anaerobic biological processes for stabilization of solid / liquid wastes; Bioremediation.
Bioprocess Engineering:
Kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization and product formation; Simple structured models; Sterilization of air and media; Batch, fed-batch and continuous processes; Aeration and agitation; Mass transfer in bioreactors; Rheology of fermentation fluids; Scale-up concepts; Design of fermentation media; Various types of microbial and enzyme reactors; Instrumentation in bioreactors.
Plant and Animal Biotechnology:
Special features and organization of plant cells; Totipotency; Regeneration of plants; Plant products of industrial importance; Biochemistry of major metabolic pathways and products; Autotrophic and heterotrophic growth; Plant growth regulators and elicitors; Cell suspension culture development: methodology, kinetics of growth and production formation, nutrient optimization; Production of secondary metabolites by plant suspension cultures; Hairy root cultures and their cultivation. Techniques in raising transgencies.
Characteristics of animal cells:
Metabolism, regulation and nutritional requirements for mass cultivation of animal cell cultures; Kinetics of cell growth and product formation and effect of shear force; Product and substrate transport; Micro & macro-carrier culture; Hybridoma technology; Live stock improvement; Cloning in animals; Genetic engineering in animal cell culture; Animal cell preservation.
The origin of immunology; Inherent immunity; Humoral and cell mediated immunity; Primary and secondary lymphoid organ; Antigen; B and T cells and Macrophages; Major histocompatibility complex (MHC); Antigen processing and presentation; Synthesis of antibody and secretion; Molecular basis of antibody diversity; Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody; Complement; Antigen-antibody reaction; Regulation of immune response; Immune tolerance; Hyper sensitivity; Autoimmunity; Graft versus host reaction.
Recombinant DNA Technology:
Restriction and modification enzymes; Vectors: plasmid, bacteriophage and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, yeast artificial chromosome; cDNA and genomic DNA library; Gene isolation; Gene cloning; Expression of cloned gene; Transposons and gene targeting; DNA labeling; DNA sequencing; Polymerase chain reactions; DNA fingerprinting; Southern and northern blotting; In-situ hybridization; RAPD; RFLP; Site-directed mutagenesis; Gene transfer technologies; Gene therapy.
Major bioinformatics resources (NCBI, EBI, ExPASy); Sequence and structure databases; Sequence analysis (biomolecular sequence file formats, scoring matrices, sequence alignment, phylogeny); Genomics and Proteomics (Large scale genome sequencing strategies; Comparative genomics; Understanding DNA microarrays and protein arrays); Molecular modeling and simulations (basic concepts including concept of force fields).
Evolution of cities; principles of city planning; types of cities & new towns; planning regulations and building byelaws; eco-city concept; sustainable development.
Concept of housing; neighbourhood concept; site planning principles; housing typology; housing standards; housing infrastructure; housing policies, finance and management; housing programs in India; self help housing.
Landscape Design:
Principles of landscape design and site planning; history of landscape styles; landscape elements and materials; plant characteristics & planting design; environmental considerations in landscape planning.
Computer Aided Design:
Application of computers in architecture and planning; understanding elements of hardware and software; computer graphics; programming languages C and Visual Basic and usage of packages such as AutoCAD, 3D-Studio, 3D Max.
Environmental Studies in Building Science:
Components of Ecosystem; ecological principles concerning environment; climate responsive design; energy efficient building design; thermal comfort; solar architecture; principles of lighting and styles for illumination; basic principles of architectural acoustics; environment pollution, their control & abatement.
Visual and Urban Design:
Principles of visual composition; proportion, scale, rhythm, symmetry, harmony, datum, balance, form, colour, texture; sense of place and space, division of space; barrier free design; focal point, vista, image ability, visual survey, figure-background relationship.
History of Architecture:
Indian Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Mughal periods; European Egyptian, Greek, Roman, medieval and renaissance periods- construction and architectural styles; vernacular and traditional architecture.
Development of Contemporary Architecture:
Architectural developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution; influence of modern art on architecture; works of national and international architects; art novuea, eclecticism, international styles, post modernism, deconstruction in architecture.
Building Services:
Water supply, sewerage and drainage systems; sanitary fittings and fixtures; plumbing systems, principles of internal & external drainage systems, principles of electrification of buildings, intelligent buildings; elevators & escalators, their standards and uses; air-conditioning systems; fire fighting systems, building safety and security systems.
Building Construction and Management:
Building construction techniques, methods and details; building systems and prefabrication of building elements; principles of modular coordination; estimation, specification, valuation, professional practice; project management techniques e.g., PERT, CPM etc;
Materials and Structural Systems:
Behavioural characteristics of all types of building materials e.g. mud, timber, bamboo, brick, concrete, steel, glass, FRP, different polymers, composites; principles of strength of materials; design of structural elements in wood, steel and RCC; elastic and limit state design; complex structural systems; principles of pre-stressing; tall buildings; principles of disaster resistant structures.
Planning Theory:
Regional planning; settlement system planning; history of human settlements; growth of cities & metropolises; principles of Ekistics; rural-urban migration; urban conservation; urban renewal; Five-year plan; structural and sectoral plan.
Techniques of Planning:
Planning survey techniques; preparation of urban and regional structure plans, development plans, action plans; site planning principles and design; statistical methods of data analysis; application of G.I.S and remote sensing techniques in urban and regional planning; decision making models.
Traffic and Transportation Planning:
Principles of traffic engineering and transportation planning; traffic survey methods; design of roads, intersections, grade separators and parking areas; hierarchy of roads and levels of services; traffic and transport management in urban areas, intelligent transportation system; mass transportation planning; para-transits and other modes of transportation, pedestrian & slow moving traffic planning.
Infrastructure, Services and Amenities:
Principles of water supply and sanitation systems; water treatment; solid waste disposal systems; waste treatment, recycle & reuse; urban rainwater harvesting; power supply and communication systems — network, design & guidelines; demography related standards at various levels of the settlements for health, education, recreation, religious & public-semi public facilities.
Development Administration and Management:
Syllabus for Biotechnology (BT)
Linear Algebra:
Matrices and determinants, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.
Limit, continuity and differentiability, Partial derivatives, Maxima and minima, Sequences and series, Test for convergence, Fourier Series.
Differential Equations:
Linear and nonlinear first order ODEs, higher order ODEs with constant coefficients, Cauchy’s and Euler’s equations, Laplace transforms, PDE- Laplace, heat and wave equations.
Probability and Statistics:
Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, normal and binomial distributions, Correlation and regression analysis.
Numerical Methods:
Solution of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations, Integration of trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, Single and multistep methods for differential equations.
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure; Microbial nutrition, growth and control; Microbial metabolism (aerobic and anaerobic respiration, photosynthesis); Nitrogen fixation; Chemical basis of mutations and mutagens; Microbial genetics (plasmids, transformation, transduction, conjugation); Microbial diversity and characteristic features; Viruses.
Biomolecules and their conformation; Ramachandran map; Weak inter-molecular interactions in biomacromolecules; Chemical and functional nature of enzymes; Kinetics of single substrate and bi-substrate enzyme catalyzed reactions; Bioenergetics; Metabolism (Glycolysis, TCA and Oxidative phosphorylation); Membrane transport and pumps; Cell cycle and cell growth control; Cell signaling and signal transduction; Biochemical and biophysical techniques for macromolecular analysis.
Molecular Biology and Genetics:
Molecular structure of genes and chromosomes; DNA replication and control; Transcription and its control; Translational processes; Regulatory controls in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Mendelian inheritance; Gene interaction; Complementation; Linkage, recombination and chromosome mapping; Extrachromosomal inheritance; Chromosomal variation; Population genetics; Transposable elements, Molecular basis of genetic diseases and applications.
Process Biotechnology:
Bioprocess technology for the production of cell biomass and primary/secondary metabolites, such as baker’s yeast, ethanol, citric acid, amino acids, exo-polysacharides, antibiotics and pigments etc.; Microbial production, purification and bioprocess application(s) of industrial enzymes; Production and purification of recombinant proteins on a large scale; Chromatographic and membrane based bioseparation methods; Immobilization of enzymes and cells and their application for bioconversion processes. Aerobic and anaerobic biological processes for stabilization of solid / liquid wastes; Bioremediation.
Bioprocess Engineering:
Kinetics of microbial growth, substrate utilization and product formation; Simple structured models; Sterilization of air and media; Batch, fed-batch and continuous processes; Aeration and agitation; Mass transfer in bioreactors; Rheology of fermentation fluids; Scale-up concepts; Design of fermentation media; Various types of microbial and enzyme reactors; Instrumentation in bioreactors.
Plant and Animal Biotechnology:
Special features and organization of plant cells; Totipotency; Regeneration of plants; Plant products of industrial importance; Biochemistry of major metabolic pathways and products; Autotrophic and heterotrophic growth; Plant growth regulators and elicitors; Cell suspension culture development: methodology, kinetics of growth and production formation, nutrient optimization; Production of secondary metabolites by plant suspension cultures; Hairy root cultures and their cultivation. Techniques in raising transgencies.
Characteristics of animal cells:
Metabolism, regulation and nutritional requirements for mass cultivation of animal cell cultures; Kinetics of cell growth and product formation and effect of shear force; Product and substrate transport; Micro & macro-carrier culture; Hybridoma technology; Live stock improvement; Cloning in animals; Genetic engineering in animal cell culture; Animal cell preservation.
The origin of immunology; Inherent immunity; Humoral and cell mediated immunity; Primary and secondary lymphoid organ; Antigen; B and T cells and Macrophages; Major histocompatibility complex (MHC); Antigen processing and presentation; Synthesis of antibody and secretion; Molecular basis of antibody diversity; Polyclonal and monoclonal antibody; Complement; Antigen-antibody reaction; Regulation of immune response; Immune tolerance; Hyper sensitivity; Autoimmunity; Graft versus host reaction.
Recombinant DNA Technology:
Restriction and modification enzymes; Vectors: plasmid, bacteriophage and other viral vectors, cosmids, Ti plasmid, yeast artificial chromosome; cDNA and genomic DNA library; Gene isolation; Gene cloning; Expression of cloned gene; Transposons and gene targeting; DNA labeling; DNA sequencing; Polymerase chain reactions; DNA fingerprinting; Southern and northern blotting; In-situ hybridization; RAPD; RFLP; Site-directed mutagenesis; Gene transfer technologies; Gene therapy.
Major bioinformatics resources (NCBI, EBI, ExPASy); Sequence and structure databases; Sequence analysis (biomolecular sequence file formats, scoring matrices, sequence alignment, phylogeny); Genomics and Proteomics (Large scale genome sequencing strategies; Comparative genomics; Understanding DNA microarrays and protein arrays); Molecular modeling and simulations (basic concepts including concept of force fields).